
健康主題能量床的世界床的世界疲勞能量配方-Irwin Naturals, Ginza-Plus75粒液體軟膠囊

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  • Bioperine, Enhanced Absorption

  • 髮旺旺
  • Endurance ·Vitality · Balance

  • Potent Ginseng Extract
  • 床的世界

  • 5 Powerful Adaptogens

  • Enhanced Physical & Mental Well-Being Without Stimulants

  • Daily Essential Fatty Acids-Omega-3 Oils

  • Dietary Supplement

Ginza-Plus combines five of the most highly prized adaptogens in the world. Russian scientists coined the term “adaptogen” to describe a special group of botanicals that increase the body’s resistance to physical, mental and environmental stressors. Adaptogens have a broad influence on the entire body and, among their many properties, have the capacity to balance body functions and support body systems affected by stress.

The key ingredient in Ginza-Plus is a highly concentrated extract of ginseng root. Ginseng is traditionally used as a revitalizing tonic for the body and is one of the very best botanicals for increasing feeling of energy and improving mental and physical performance overall, especially under stressful conditions.

Ginza-Plus is specially designed to promote general health and well-being, and is especially suited for individuals who are depleted due to overwork, excess stress and inadequate rest. It can be used daily for overall support or as needed during times of stress.

What makes us different:

Liquid Soft-Gels - The nutrients in these easy-to-swallow Liquid Soft-Gels are released fast. Other forms of delivery can contain binders and fillers that may cause stomach upset and offer no nutritional value. Advanced Liquid Soft-Gels provide an optimum delivery system.

Quality Assurance - Irwin Naturals is committed to providing the highest quality products for your health. We employ compliance testing to ensure purity and potency.

Patented Bioperine - Bioperine enhances the bioavailability, abs床的世界orption and potency of many nutrients.

Irwin Naturals, Ginza-Plu髮旺旺s75粒液體軟膠囊




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